Welcome to my Blog! My name is George Jester and I am a Realtor in Cherry Hill, NJ. My goal is and always will be to listen to my clients needs and provide them with the information neccessary for them to make an informed decision. That's the only way I or any Realtor can successfully help you with buying or selling real estate.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 Tips For Choosing a Real Estate Agent

By: George Jester
The first decision you should make when you need to buy or sell a home in South Jersey is to figure out what Realtor you should use. Below are some tips to help you figure that out.

  1. Ask friends and family what real estate agents they have used.
    This will help you find a Realtor with a good reputation that you trust.

  2. Interview multiple agents before you decide.
    There are many agents out there that want to assist you. By meeting them you can decide which one best fits your needs and personality.

  3. Choose an agent who knows the importance of customer care.
    During the interview, try to establish what their level of customer care is and how far they will go to satisfy the customer. Look a things like their willingness to meet with you and how often they return phone calls.

  4. Choose an agent who handles homes in your price range.
    When you work with an agent who deals in your price range, you will be sure to get their best effort. Many agents deal with higher end proerties and are used to higher commissions. They are more likely to tend to these properties first.

  5. Choose an agent the respects your time schedule.
    If you will not be able to view properties during office hours, you will need an agent to do business after hours and on weekends.

  6. Look for an agent you can communicate with.
    Communication is vital for you when looking to buy or sell real estate. Make sure you choose an agent who understands your needs and can cmmunicate them well.

  7. Choose an agent that provides multiple services.
    It is important to find an agent who can handle both the buying/selling process as well as other services such as arranging property insections or reccommending a mortgage person.

  8. Choose an agent that can negotiate.
    Negotiating is an essential skill of a good real estate agent. Make sure you choose an agent who has impeccable and proven negotiating skills.

  9. Choose an agent with lots of resources.
    Ask agents where you property wll be advertised. Make sure that the agency uses print advertising (newspaper/magazine) as well as other promotional materials such as brochures.

  10. Follow your instincts.
    Choose an agent who makes you feel comfortable and whom you trust. Your level of comfort and satisfaction will let you know if you've found the right agent.

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